El guitarrista de Queen publicó en sus redes sociales el clip en el que realiza este solo durante la grabación del filme.

Brian May
Bohemian Rhapsody: Mira a Brian May tocar el solo de guitarra de la película

El filme Bohemian Rhapsody”, que retrata la vida de Freddie Mercury y Queen, sigue cautivando al público y ganando estatuillas en las diferentes entregas de premios pese a las críticas que la rodean.

A propósito de su último triunfo en los premios Globos de Oro, el ex guitarrista Brian May compartió un video en su cuenta de Instagram en la que se luce tocando el solo de la película. Junto a él, se encuentra el actor Gwilym Lee, quien interpretó su personaje en el filme.

Después de tocar este solo, May se queda detrás de cámara para ver las grabaciones. Cabe resaltar, que el guitarrista estuvo presente durante todo el proceso de filmación de “Bohemian Rhapsody”, para tratar que se respete la historia.

Ver esta publicación en Instagram

This clip is stolen from @bryanjaysinger, who was evidently filming it on his iPhone. When the BR team were shooting this scene, I happened to be around, so Gwil invited me to have a go ! How did I do, folks ? Well, obviously not quite as good as Gwil ! He’s a trained artist ! 😊 We had too much fun ! I’d like to see the rest of what happened, captured by the film cameras which were still rolling ... some day. In case you’re wondering why this solo doesn’t sound like the ‘out-take’ solo in the film, I only had the idea to make that happen later, when we were polishing the soundtrack. In any case, we wouldn’t have had the facilities to do that on the day of the shoot. In the film, you hear a variant take on the Bo Rhap solo which just MIGHT have been the one previous to the final one which made it onto the record! Might ! That’s if it hadn’t been a genius first-take keeper. Ha ha ! I honestly don’t remember ! A million thanks to @mrgwilymlee Bri

Una publicación compartida por Brian Harold May (@brianmayforreal) el