Green Day realiza una gira mundial que llegará a nuestro país en noviembre de este año. El viernes la banda tocó en Madrid, donde vivieron una dolorosa experiencia, pues fueron blanco de las críticas al presentarse en un lugar donde solo minutos antes había muerto una persona.

Green Day era la banda más esperada en el Mad Cool, un festival que se realizaba en Madrid el viernes pasado. No solo había música en el lugar, también puestas en escena que daban un ambiente artístico al evento. Uno de los espectáculos era el de Pedro Aunión, un bailarín y acróbata de 42 años. Su show era espectacular, pues él se colgaba en una caja sostenida por una grúa. Allí, sujetado con un arnés, rendía homenaje a estrellas del rock.


Durante el homenaje a Prince, el artista cayó y perdió la vida, causando conmoción entre los asistentes. La siguiente presentación era la de Green Day, banda que ha recibido muchas críticas porque salió a tocar como si nada hubiese pasado, a pesar de que una persona había muerto a solo metros del escenario.

Ante esto, Billie Joe Armstrong tuvo que aclarar lo ocurrido. "De haberlo sabido antes de nuestra actuación, no habríamos tocado bajo ningún concepto", escribió el cantante en Instagram. Él afirma que lo único que les dijeron es que había "cuestiones de seguridad", no que una persona había perdido la vida. "Ninguno de nosotros podía creerlo. No sé por qué las autoridades locales decidieron no decirnos nada del accidente antes del concierto", explica. "Esto no ha pasado nunca en 30 años de actuaciones de Green Day", concluye el intérprete de American Idiot en su carta, donde comparte el dolor con los familiares del artista. 

Muchos han criticado a la organización del evento, pues consideran que no se tomaron las medidas se seguridad necesarias. Las causas de la caída de Pedro aún están siendo investigadas. 

Last night at the Mad Cool festival in Spain there was a horrific accident. An acrobat by the name of Pedro was killed during his performance before Green Day played our show. We are so sad for Pedro and his family and we pray for them in this time of grief. I can't imagine how much suffering the friends and family are going through. Many of you are wondering why we continued to play our show after the accident. Green Day did not hear about the accident until after our show was over. We didn't even know there was an acrobat performance at all. these festivals are huge. There are so many things happening at the same time it's impossible to keep up with every performer/artist.. We were in a back stage compound about a half mile away from the main festival stage. We were warming up ready to go at 11:25 pm. 15 minutes prior our tour management was told by local authorities to wait to go on stage because there was some sort of security issue. Security issues are a normal occurrence and procedure at any show.. we were NOT told why which is also normal. we waited as we were instructed. Still, We had no clue there was any such accident. We were given the ok. The band jumped into vans and drove to the main festival stage. This was to be the last show of our European tour and we were all so excited to play our hearts out one last time. We were on stage at around midnight and played around two and a half hours. Everything seemed normal. the crowd and fans had a good time. We got off stage and drove back to our artist compound. It was there when we were told the shocking news about Pedro. All of us were in disbelief. I don't know why the authorities chose not to tell us about the accident before our concert. All we know is what was said after our concert. This has never happened in the 30 years Green Day have been performing live. If we had known prior to our performance we most likely would not have played at all. We are not heartless people. The safety and well being at any of our concerts absolutely comes first. What happened to Pedro is unthinkable. Once again we are heartbroken for his friends and family.

Una publicación compartida de Billie Joe Armstrong (@billiejoearmstrong) el